1st Beach (Eastons Beach) surf guide
Surf: NE to NW winds and mid incoming tides for this soft beachbreak. A long, gently-sloping, shallow bay causes things to break up outside as it gets over 6ft. Best on a SE swell.
Access: Free in winter only
Environment: The closest beach to Newport with all facilities and huge parking lots. Plenty of beach users but not that many surfers. Great for longboarding.
Surf: General: First Beach is a bit of a surf spot anomaly for Rhode Island in that it faces more of an easterly direction, thus missing S swell action but picking up better swells from other directions. In reality, First Beach is a less-defined beachbreak, often closing out. But it is great for beginners, since its constant slow rollers have a low intimidation factor. But when First Beach fills in with a chest-high swell, it's worth a check -- any bigger and the other spots in town become better choices.
Tides: Any tide can work, depends on the swell
Size: Waist high-head high
Wind: N
Swell: S, SSE, SE
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Usually pretty mellow but big swells can be tough.
Spot Rating: Not a great spot but can be fun.
Access: Easy, but parking fees in summer.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Heavy in summer/fall, lighter in winter.
Local Vibe: Mellow.
Environment: Pretty clean overall.
Hazards: Summer crowds.
Season: September through March