26th to 30th Street Pier surf guide
Surf: General: This area offers fun rights and lefts and picks up a variety of swells. On a big northeast swell, powerful lefts roll down from the north end of the beach. The 30th Street Pier also offers all-day surfing on the north side in the summer. It's the place to be seen. Beach tags required. Also available: free parking, bathrooms with rolls of crisp, white toilet paper and a place to wash your feet.
Tides: Mid-high generally best
Size: Waist high-well overhead
Wind: NW
Swell: NE
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Mellow to moderate, depends on the swell.
Spot Rating: Fun but normally not the best spot around.
Access: Easy, but toughest in the summer months.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Moderate.
Local Vibe: Mellow to moderate.
Environment: Pretty clean overall, except after very heavy rain.
Hazards: Shallow bottom, rip currents.
Season: September through March