3Ms surf guide
Surf: General: A rocky reef break in Baja Norte, 3Ms is a staple of Ensenada surfing and likely the best-known wave in the city (aside from San Miguel). Rippable but relatively soft lefts and rights break a short paddle from the parking area, with proximity to the cannery and fish-processing plant making things a bit sharky. Fun, consistent wave with an established local crew.
Tides: All tides.
Size: Chest-high to overhead.
Wind: NE, ENE, E
Swell: SW, W, WNW
Bottom: Rocky reef.
Paddling: Pretty mellow lineup.
Spot Rating: Fun, consistent reef break.
Access: Park in front of the wave and paddle out.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: A core crew of local surfers has sprung up in Ensenada, but it doesn't get crazy crowded.
Local Vibe: Local crew is on it.
Environment: Nearby cannery and fish-processing plant make things a bit dirty.
Hazards: Sharks, rocks, rips, pollution.
Season: W and WNW swells are most consistent in autumn and winter.