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Air Guling

Hourly Forecast
Timezone: Asia/Makassar
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05:59 - 06:20
18:33 - 18:54
Air temperature
27Β°C - 28Β°C
Water temperature
Closest moon phase
First quarter
Thu Mar 06

Ideal surf conditions at Air Guling

Swell window
Best swell direction
Swell size
2ft - 2ft
Swell breaks over
Live Coral
Wave types
Wave directions
Wind window
Best tides at
Low, Mid
Skill Level

Air Guling surf guide

Surf: A short boat ride to the next bay west of Kuta unveils some low tide rights that trip into a fast inside barrel. Exposed to swell and wind that needs to be more N than W, so it’s rare to score after 9am. If the tide is up, check the short, rippy, hollow lefts at the reef gap, mid-bay.

Written by Joris de Ruiter

Joris is a dad, husband, surfer, software developer, yogi and swimmer. He combines his passion for surfing and technology to help others catch more and better waves.

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