Atlantic Terrace surf guide
Surf: Mainly sand with a sprinkling of boulders along this stretch of beach in the town of Montauk. Breaks closer to shore with occasional good shape until high tide kills it completely.
No parking near the beach without a town permit, which costs $150 a year. Even so, the place is often crowded with locals and vacationers staying in the numerous beachfront hotels.
Environment: No parking near the beach without a town permit, which costs $150 a year. Even so, the place is often crowded with locals and vacationers staying in the numerous beachfront hotels.
Surf: General: While its centralized location makes for a competitive arena, there are a few different peak options to spread out the crowds. Terrace's extra juice compared to surrounding spots is due to a sand-covered reef producing some of the most credible tubes in Montauk, thus many tend to venture elsewhere when the swell starts pumping. On E swells, Terrace is mostly lefts; on S swells it's mostly rights. Because Terrace is one of the best south-facing breaks in all of Long Island, hurricane season is the best time to keep an eye on Terrace.
Tides: Low
Size: Waist high-overhead
Wind: NW to NNW
Swell: ESE to S
Bottom: Rock reef mostly covered by sand
Paddling: Breaks far out on big swells, can be tough.
Spot Rating: Can get good on medium-size swells.
Access: Easy
Crowds: Crowd Factor: On the heavier side but not the most crowded spot around.
Local Vibe: Mellow to moderate.
Environment: Pretty clean overall.
Hazards: The occasional rock, summer tourists .
Season: September through March