Bud and Alley's surf guide
Surf: General: Located behind Bud and Alley's restaurant in Seaside, this is a popular surf spot more for its location than the quality of the wave. The inside is mediocre at best, but the outside is great on big days. If you want to spend the day catching waves and languishing on the beach with the rich and famous, hit the break behind Bud's, as the locals call it.Seaside and Bud and Alley's are two miles east of Grayton Beach on Scenic Road C-30A. From Panama City, follow Highway 98 west to the Inlet beach bridge, then take a left onto C-30A at the Tom Thumb food store, three miles past the bridge.
Tides: Low going high
Size: Waist-head on the inside, overhead on big outside days
Wind: NNW, N, NE, ENE
Swell: SSE, S, SW
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Easy on small days, tougher paddle on larger swells.
Spot Rating: Pretty average spot overall. No one is driving here solely to surf this spot.
Access: Park in lot at boardwalk and walk five minutes to beach.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: None to speak of.
Local Vibe: Mellow.
Environment: This is the emerald coast, so named due to the water color.
Hazards: Rich, old Southern ladies with big hair.
Season: Fall-Spring, Hurricane