Cappoons Bay/Bomba Shack surf guide
Surf: General: Cappoons Bay is a small stretch of coast with a wide open window to the north, northwest and northeast. In front of the famed Bomba Shack lies a perfectly A shaped reef which grooms incoming swells into ruler edged walls. It's the most consistent surf spot in these islands, so unless you're extremely lucky or ride it under a full moon, expect to share the peak with a few other takers.The reef at Bomba Shack picks up any little bit of swell that's out there and will close out after about 8 to 10 feet of face. It likes a little west in the swell to get the left working and bowling up the rights.
Tides: Any
Size: Chest high-overhead+
Wind: Southeast
Swell: NNW, N, NNE
Bottom: Reef
Paddling: Can be a good amount of work when there is a sizeable swell.
Spot Rating: Really fun wave with rights and lefts on the right swells.
Access: Park right there.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Can get pretty crowded when there are waves.
Local Vibe: Not heavy but present. Mind your manners.
Environment: Pretty good.
Hazards: A few rocks on the inside.
Season: Late summer and fall for tropical cyclone swells but late fall through early spring for consistency.