Cotillo Beach surf guide
Surf: Powerful beachbreak with barrel sections when sandbanks return after winter scouring. Often closes out when swell is overhead or tide is wrong for the banks. North end offers some N-NE wind protection but it's often crowded.
Access: Turn left after passing the football stadium. Thieves operate on cliff car parks
Environment: Good intermediate spot. Turn left after passing the football stadium. Theives operate on cliff car parks.
Surf: General: When northeasterly winds blow out the north shore, this long sandy beach is one of the go-to spots. The northern end of the beach provides some shelter, with shifty banks and fun waves that close out over head high. Further to the south the beach opens out with many peaks spread between occasional fingers of volcanic rock. Swells come out of deep water producing powerful, sometimes hollow waves. Can be crowded. Popular summer learner's spot.
Tides: Works on all tides.
Size: Waist to head high
Wind: SE, E, NE
Swell: NW-W
Bottom: Sandbanks with occasional rocks.
Paddling: Hard work when over shoulder high, can be rippy with lots of duck diving.
Spot Rating: Long, fun beach break, with shifty sandbanks, best in smaller swells. It can produce excellent hollow peaks… it can also be a close out.
Access: There is cliff top parking all along the beach. Watch out for car crime.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Popular destination, loads of banks to help spread the crowd out.
Local Vibe: Usually busy when good, competitive on the best peaks.
Environment: Good
Hazards: Heavy and rippy when big, occasional rocks.
Season: Best October - March