Crash Boat



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Crash Boat surfspot characteristics

Swell Window
W | N
Optimal Swell Direction
Swell Size
4ft - 10ft
Breaks over
unevenReef | sand
Wave type
Wave direction
Optimal Wind Direction
Best Tides at
low | mid | high

More about Crash Boat surfspot

Crash Boat is just on the south side of the jetty where bowly rights line-up over the sandy reef bottom. Decent swell with a bit of W in it is needed. Lots of aggressive local bodyboarders.

General: Yet another super-fickle-yet-magical wave, Crash Boat is a happy accident, as they say: a sand-bottomed right created by rusting navy docks that halfway sank into the sand and ended up creating a killer bank. The wave comes in from pretty deep water and bends in and rolls all the way into shore. Tides: Not the biggest tidal changes but lower generally better. Size: Chest high-overhead Wind: Northeast or East but pretty protected Swell: NW Bottom: Sand Paddling: Not bad at all. Spot Rating: Fun little wave just down from Gas Chambers. Normally more of a novelty unless there is a big northwest swell.

Intermediate to advanced

Plenty of signs when you get close on the 107 to show you where to turn.

Late summer and fall for tropical cyclone swells but late fall through early spring for consistency.

Crowd Factor: If it is breaking there are people there. Local Vibe: Ever been stink-eyed by a sponger? Prepare yourself.

Trash on the beach.

Local spongers.

Check surf reports near Crash Boat