Dorothy's surf guide
Surf: South of the port is a really basic slum built on a spit of land called West Point, where the people are friendly and interested, but since most of Liberia lacks any public sanitation, the locals are forced to use the beach as a latrine and garbage dump. The rocky shoreline of the southern headland forms a very long, wind protected, lefthand pointbreak, known variously as Mamba Point, Poopy Point and its most respectful name, Dorothy’s. An elderly lady called Dorothy, has been running an orphanage and school on the point for years, yet despite owning this stupendous beach-front area, she remains threadbare poor. Park in the orphanage, leave some small change for the kids, and dance across the rocks at the top of the point for a dicey, but often dry-hair, paddle out. Sure-footedness and timing are essential because it can get hectic. The waves peel over a sandy rock bottom and go for a fair distance if there is enough swell wrapping in, preferably from the SW. It sections off and gets very close to the rocks if it is too small. There’s some power close to the pocket and tapered shoulders for long, drawn-out cutbacks.
Environment: Water quality is slightly better than the West Point and Mamba Beach public toilets, but keep your mouth shut!