Dunmoran Strand surf guide
Surf: Uncrowded beach that’s a good option for beginners/intermediates when the swell is up. Sheltered from big swells and SW winds.
Environment: Park by the beach. There are some sensitive, fickle spots between here and Easky.
Surf: General: Dunmoran is go to spot for Sligo surfers. It picks up more swell than anywhere around. Surfable on the tiny north wind swells and one of the few places on this north facing coast that will catch a bit of south west swell. Multiple peaks depending on swell, swell direction, sand placement and tide.
Tides: Usually mid tides are best but it depends on sand banks.
Size: Waist to overhead.
Wind: SW-SE
Swell: W-N
Bottom: Sand.
Paddling: Medium shoulder burn, but depends on the peak you choose.
Spot Rating: A very consistent wave, training grounds of some of Ireland's best surf talents.
Access: Parking lot is on the east end of the strand.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Gets a good portion of Sligo surfers on a good day. There is usually an empty peak to be found away from the pack.
Local Vibe: Friendly family vibe.
Environment: Some agricultural runoff after heavy rains.
Hazards: Rips at any size. Don't surf alone.
Season: Breaks all year round but cannot handle anything big.