Fenwick Island surf guide
Surf: General: On the Delaware/Maryland state line is the town of Fenwick Island, consisting of mediocre beachbreaks.
Tides: Low and incoming
Size: Chest high-overhead
Wind: Southwest or West
Swell: S, SE, NE
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Not bad but can be some work on certain swells.
Spot Rating: Fairly nondescript beach but can get good with the right wind/swell/sand combo.
Access: Get there early or head to the Fenwick Island State Park and pay to park.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Pretty light crowds.
Local Vibe: Pretty mellow.
Environment: Not too bad.
Hazards: None really.
Season: Storm dependent: tropical cyclones in the late summer and fall with frontal activity and nor'easters in the late fall and winter.