Flagpole surf guide
Surf: General: Working on any ground or windswell, this mile-long stretch rivals Lake Worth Pier's title as the most consistent surf spot in South Florida. Although the outside reef fires on occasion, it's really an inside wave and something of a reform. It can't hold much size, but N swells in the shoulder-high range will spiral into good, left barrels. Rare S swells spin excellent rights, and windswells construct good ramps. The sand shifts quite a bit, and different swells will focus better on different peaks, but the main break is the zone straight out from the flagpole. Though it's generally a user-friendly place with enough peaks to go around, it does get competitive at times.
Tides: Low
Size: Waist-overhead
Wind: WNW
Swell: NE-NNE but can be fun during SE windswell
Bottom: Sand/rock
Paddling: Easy on overage but gets tough on big NE swells.
Spot Rating: Flagpole is named, you guessed it, for the flagpole along the public beach access. Go to windswell spot and can see some fun chunky wedges even with strong onshore winds.
Access: Easy, pay to park.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Moderate.
Local Vibe: Mellow.
Environment: Nice and clean.
Hazards: Normal sea life - sharks, jellyfish, sea lice.
Season: Fall-Spring, Hurricane