Four Mile surf guide
Surf: Crowded, high-quality pointbreak rights. Fast and hollow over the inside shelf. NW winds blow offshore here, making it a popular spot on windy days. Can work on all tides, but medium-low works best.
Environment: Located four miles north of Santa Cruz city limit; park in the rip-off-prone dirt lot on the ocean side of the highway and walk a half-mile down to the beach. If there is any swell, you’ll see cars and plenty of surfers standing on high ground craning to see the beach.
Surf: General: A rippable right reef/point, four miles outside of Santa Cruz. Breaks all winter, blows out easy and is occasionally a great wave.
Tides: Incoming to high
Size: Waist high-2X overhead
Wind: NW, N, NE
Swell: NW, W, WSW
Bottom: Rock reef, semi-gnarly.
Paddling: Moderate.
Spot Rating: Good.
Access: Walk in from parking lot.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Sometimes high. Popular place.
Local Vibe: Sometimes high. Popular place.
Environment: Mostly clean.
Hazards: Grumpy locals and hillbillies with mean dogs. Thieves in parking lot.
Season: November-February