Great Western surf guide
Surf: General: Another of the Newquay town beaches, this cliff lined cove opens out at low tide into a large expanse of sand. Popular in big winter storms when the southwesterly winds ravage all the other north coast breaks. Mostly close-outs but occasional banks form. A great spot for summer beginners. Parking close by in town.
Tides: Low to mid.
Size: Waist to shoulder high.
Wind: SW to SE
Swell: W/SW
Bottom: Sand.
Paddling: No real channel so lots of paddling.
Spot Rating: Mostly a close-out. Fun for beginners when small.
Access: Pay car parks short walk from beach.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Busy in storm swells and summer.
Local Vibe: Chilled or chaos.
Environment: Clean.
Hazards: Crowds, stray boards, beach disappears as tide pushes in.
Season: December - February.