Hitherhills surf guide
Surf: This average beachbreak has a wide swell window, with SE on an incoming tide being the pick. The sand gets chopped up by winter swells but sorts itself out through the summer.
Environment: Full facilities at this State Park make it an easy option during the crowded summer months.
Surf: General: The sleepy little fishing town of Montauk awakens every summer to hoards of visitors. From June through September, Montauk is your typical tourist trap, choc full of T-shirt and souvenir shops, and rude (or, to give them the benefit of the doubt: beach-vibe-inept) city slickers. Finding a hotel/motel room in summer is impossible without a reservation, but, come winter, you'll be all alone. And that, O blessed revenge, is when some of the most consistent waves on the East Coast show up. At such moments, the multitude of beach, reef and pointbreaks within a five-mile radius, make Montauk the envy of all the isle.In all of this, it is possible, in the 21st century, to get the feel of old California just a couple of hours from New York City. Seriously. Turtles, nestled beneath the Montauk Point Lighthouse, has just the same crumbly right point and craggy cliff beauty that is akin to many a West Coast seascapes. The biggest wave on Long Island, Turtles can handle faces nearing 20 feet. However, the main takeoff spot is taboo for outsiders. You are better off sticking to the middle or inside -- you'll catch better waves and avoid confrontations. The point is loaded with tricky currents and must be at least head-high to operate. If you're going to see a shark on Long Island, it's probably going to be here. With all the fishing boats cruising by, the spot is a chum pit.
Tides: Low-mid
Size: Waist high-well overhead
Wind: NW to NNW
Swell: ESE, SE, SSE
Bottom: Rock and sand
Paddling: Prepare to paddle a lot on big swells, otherwise not bad.
Spot Rating: Can get pretty good on the right swell.
Access: Easy
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Moderate most of the time.
Local Vibe: Moderate.
Environment: Pretty clean overall.
Hazards: Powerful waves and rip currents.
Season: September through March