Indian Rocks Beach surf guide
Surf: General: Indian Rocks Beach may not be the Gulf's best surf spot, but the waves are pretty consistent, dump hard on the inside and can put a big hurt on the unaware. With access at the end of most streets, there are plenty of places to surf, though the favorites shift with sand. Fortunately, all you have to do is drive south on Gulf Boulevard and stop periodically to see what's over the dune line. As a rule, the breaks north of Central tend to be better on a N swell, while south of Central is better on a S swell. The spots all go by the names of the streets that access them: 6th Avenue, 4th Avenue, 2nd Avenue, Central…
Tides: Mid to high
Size: Thigh-1' overhead
Wind: Onshore to generate some surf, ENE, E for clean conditions
Swell: W, NW
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Easy most days, can be a little more challenging on the bigger windswell days.
Spot Rating: This area used to be a reliable cold front spot but widening of the beaches has crushed what once was. Worth a check if in the area, there is surf, and you are pressed for time.
Access: Public parking but limited spaces at each access.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Light.
Local Vibe: Good.
Environment: Outside of occasional red tide outbreaks, water is usually clean.
Hazards: Just your standard selection of sharks, rays and jellies.
Season: Fall-Spring, Hurricane