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Jennette's Pier

Hourly Forecast
Timezone: America/New_York
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06:55 - 07:21
19:06 - 19:32
Air temperature
10°C - 12°C
Water temperature
Closest moon phase
First quarter
Thu Mar 06

Ideal surf conditions at Jennette's Pier

Swell window
N, S
Best swell direction
Swell size
2ft - 2ft
Swell breaks over
Wave directions
Left, Right
Wind window
Best tides at
Low, Mid, High

Jennette's Pier surf guide

Surf: Full swell window, but NE best. All tides, and it can handle some size since it was destroyed in Hurricane Isabel 2003 and rebuilt to 1000ft. Less crowded than other nearby piers and often lacks quality. Environment: As the pier is owned and operated by NC Aquarium System as an educational fishing pier, the distance from pier rules are enforced.

Written by Joris de Ruiter

Joris is a dad, husband, surfer, software developer, yogi and swimmer. He combines his passion for surfing and technology to help others catch more and better waves.

Surf reports nearby Jennette's Pier

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