Jensen Beach surf guide
Surf: General: An often ignored stretch of beach between the more revered breaks of Stuart Rocks and Walton Rocks, Jensen Beach is actually pretty reliable as far as Treasure Coast spots go — benefiting from a combo rock/sand bottom that accommodates powerful groundswells and playful windswells alike, provided they fit somewhere close within that ideal NE swell angle. Jensen Beach is also one of the few South Florida beachbreaks that can make good sense out of ugly windchop.
Tides: Low to incoming is best, especially when the swell’s big enough to break on the outside coquina reef.
Size: Knee-high to double-overhead.
Swell: N, NE
Bottom: It’s actually a reefbreak. But it’s a beachbreak. It’s a beachbreak with reef. It’s…
Paddling: Perpetually doable. Nothing lasts long in South Florida — not the swells, and not the sets.
Spot Rating: Among the southernmost Florida breaks to escape Bahamas shadowing, it’s still an average beachbreak stuck between a rock and... another rock (Walton and Stuart).
Access: Free and easy parking.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: If it is rideable, it is ridden.
Local Vibe: Probably the least localized spot on the Treasure Coast — which isn’t saying much, because the Treasure Coast is pretty localized in general.
Environment: Pretty color. Historically passed water quality tests at least 95% of the time.
Hazards: Sharks, rocks, lightning.
Season: September-March