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Jobo's surfspot characteristics

Swell Window
Optimal Swell Direction
Swell Size
3ft - 7ft
Breaks over
unevenReef | sand
Wave type
Wave direction
left | right
Optimal Wind Direction
Best Tides at
low | mid | high

More about Jobo's surfspot

Jobo’s is a long right breaking onto a sand-covered reef with speedy walls and something for most surfers. The main take-off is close to a big rock and the locals have it dialled, so check the central left and more peaks down the beach. It's super-consistent with some trade wind protection and works best on small swells.

General: Jobos is one of PR's best-known breaks and is the de facto Surf Pueblo for the North Coast. The main wave breaks right next to a small rock headland at the east end of the beach and pinwheels into a broad, sandy bay. It actually looks like a pointbreak because it's so down-the-line and racy, but like almost every other wave in Puerto Rico, it's really a reefbreak. Locals take off as close to the rock as possible, making it difficult for others to actually get a wave. Jobos also happens to be one of PR's most consistently rideable waves, as it picks up all manner of N swell and is somewhat protected from the incessant trade winds by the rock headland. There's also a left that breaks in the middle of the beach and assorted other scattered, mediocre peaks as you head west down the beach. Tides: Not the biggest tidal changes but lower generally better. Size: Chest high-overhead Wind: Southeast or South Swell: N, NE Bottom: Reef and urchins on the outside but inside is sand. Paddling: Not bad if you hop off the rock. Getting back to the lineup after a wave takes a little work but not too bad. Spot Rating: The rock offers some wind protection but finding the right one off the rock from the locals is a formidable challenge.

Advanced to pick off waves by the rock -- less skilled surfers should sit wide of the main peak.

Park right there.

Late summer and fall for tropical cyclone swells but late fall through early spring for consistency.

Crowd Factor: Yes. Local Vibe: Fairly heavy. As always, humility and respect appreciated.

Regular contest site and local hang out.

Not bad.

If you even lightly bounce off the bottom, you'll either end up with dozens of urchin spines jammed in your skin or some bright red grazes from the sharp lava reef. Or both.

Check surf reports near Jobo's