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Johanna surfspot characteristics

Swell Window
S | W
Optimal Swell Direction
Swell Size
2ft - 2ft
Breaks over
unevenReef | sand
Wave type
Wave direction
left | right
Optimal Wind Direction
Best Tides at
low | mid | high

More about Johanna surfspot

The western side of Cape Otway picks up all the available swell so if it’s flat around Torquay, then the powerful beachbreaks of Johanna will be working. The sand is anchored by various bits of reef and there's a decent left at the eastern headland. Rips scour out paddling channels that are indispensable as the swell hits headhigh and the central peaks are often out of control with swell or wind, reducing consistency. Packs real punch and is usually better at lower tides, although it will still work at high.

Crowded in summer with the Torquay crew, it can be punishing paddle outs and Johanna has a habit of dramatically increasing in size without warning. Good campsite behind the beach, it's the back-up venue for the Bells comp when the swell goes awol.

Check surf reports near Johanna