Keramas surf guide
Surf: Jet-set plaything and new pro contest hangout as its reputation for barrels and high-octane performance ramps grows. Picks up plenty of east coast swell and focuses it on a jagged lava reef that opens up straight from the drop then just asks to be bashed before the wave closes-out on the inside. Sometimes can barrel all the way or else leaves an open canvas for progressive moves and large punts on the steeper shut-down end section. Keramas is tidally sensitive, preferring higher, incoming tides and light morning land breezes.
Environment: Conditions are always quite changeable on the east coast, but if the onshores are light, it still can be rideable and surprisingly consistent. Gets increasingly crowded for the dawn glass sessions and some bad vibes from over-zealous ex-pats and local surf guides. Watch out for the current when it gets bigger.