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La Paz surfspot characteristics

Swell Window
S | W
Optimal Swell Direction
Swell Size
3ft - 6ft
Breaks over
unevenReef | sand
Wave type
Wave direction
Optimal Wind Direction
Best Tides at
low | mid

More about La Paz surfspot

Right in town is the La Paz section, a less critical, fun point that’s rocky, but popular with the locals and bodyboarders sheltering from the onshores.

General: La Paz is simply the inside section of Punta Roca, La Libertad's nearly half-mile-long, cobble/rock, righthand pointbreak. La Paz is an easier, less critical wave than up top, though when a big swell is running it can be an excellent, occasionally kegging righthander. And it will be less crowded and much closer than the main peak up the point. Even if you're wanting to make your way up to the top of the pack, it is often easier to paddle out at La Paz and make the trek up the point by water. Tides: All tides Size: Chest high-overhead+ Wind: Light North Swell: SSW, SW Bottom: Cobbles, boulders Paddling: Depends on where you sit but not too bad. Spot Rating: The inside doesn't offer what Punta Roca does but you can get a few good ones in there.

Beginner to advanced

Park at Rotherham's or another restaurant's parking lot on the beach in front of La Paz.

Southern Hemisphere fall into winter for the most consistent surf.

Crowd Factor: It can be but not as bad as Punta Roca. Local Vibe: Significantly more mellow here than up the point.

Depends on rains.

Rocks can be slippery and tough to negotiate, plus it's shallow at low tide.

Check surf reports near La Paz