Lance's Right surf guide
Surf: Lance’s Right (or HT’s) is the pin-up centrefold for the Mentawai islands, bringing a new machine-like level to the word perfection. At the top of the coral platform, The Office section breathes in sharply, scooping up the next lucky expert who is hoping to be there when it exhales deeply, then launches through the Main Peak and into the inside where the shallowness of the Surgeons Table awaits. Size determines whether these 3 link and if any turns can be attempted. Perfection arrives with 6-8ft of S-SW swell, light W or no wind and at least 2hrs of tide. It’s surprisingly consistent considering the swell refraction required and the afternoon land breezes can clean it up quickly. Dangers are coral heads appearing, trying to duck dive when caught inside and being pushed too deep by the entrenched crowd. Answers are don’t fall, go in over reef to deep paddling channel and surf somewhere else!