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Le Crohot des Cavales

Hourly Forecast
Timezone: Europe/Paris
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07:00 - 07:29
19:03 - 19:32
Air temperature
9°C - 15°C
Water temperature
Closest moon phase
First quarter
Thu Mar 06

Ideal surf conditions at Le Crohot des Cavales

Swell window
Best swell direction
Swell size
1ft - 1ft
Swell breaks over
Wave types
Wave directions
Left, Right
Wind window
Best tides at
Low, Mid, High
Skill Level

Le Crohot des Cavales surf guide

Surf: Another large shadow zone west of the Hourtin lake accessible only by bicycle. May not be the hollowest and lined-up banks around but it is solo surfing Crohot de France is even more isolated to the north. Access: Bike paths access Environment: The UCPA center of Bombannes has a pretty straight access to Crohot des Cavales.

Written by Joris de Ruiter

Joris is a dad, husband, surfer, software developer, yogi and swimmer. He combines his passion for surfing and technology to help others catch more and better waves.

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