Leadbetter Point surf guide
Surf: General: One of the more dependable waves situated in Santa Barbara proper, what Leadbetter Beach lacks in power if makes up for in playfulness. Featuring long, gentle rights off a picturesque point, it is a preferred spot for longboarders, as well as those who are learning to trim and ride open wave faces. With views of the Santa Barbara Harbor and Stearns Wharf, it’s a classic spot in the heart of one of California’s most wave-rich zones. Autumn and winter are the most dependable time of year here, as Leadbetter Beach needs a decent W swell to start breaking. As the size increases, the quality of the wave improves considerably. Sectiony at low tide, a little extra water helps smooth things out a bit. And while there’s almost always a handful of surfers out, the daily vibes in the water are generally mellow.
Tides: Because of the rocky bottom, a little water helps Leadbetter, which prefers a mid to high tide.
Size: Generally hanging in the knee to stomach-high range, Leadbetter can hold overhead surf on a significant W swell event.
Wind: NW
Swell: WSW, W
Bottom: Sandy beach that gives way to a rock reef/point. Kelp helps keep the water glassy.
Paddling: Considering you’ll probably be on a longboard and there’s a legit channel to utilize, the paddle shouldn’t be a huge issue for anybody that’s in decent surf shape.
Spot Rating: Fun for bigger boards and beginners most days of the Autumn and winter, but as the swell picks up, the wave gets considerably more interesting.
Access: Park along Cliff Drive or La Marina Boulevard, or in the free car park at pleasant Shoreline Park. Take the trail down the bluff fronting the wave.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: As it’s one of the more consistent breaks in Santa Barbara, Leadbetter Beach can get busy, especially on a bluebird, summer weekend.
Local Vibe: Usually crowded, but compared to spots up north, localism isn’t a huge issue.
Environment: The combination of the nearby Santa Barbara Harbor and a lack of strong wave action and currents can contribute to a high bacteria count in the water. Periods of heavy rain will exacerbate this factor. But the water quality is closely monitored, so keep an eye out for warning signs if things are dicey.
Hazards: Getting run over by a beginner or stepping in tar on the beach.
Season: Because Santa Barbara is so shadowed from summertime swells from the south due to the offshore Channel Islands, Autumn and winter are really the only viable time of year here.