Lido Beach surf guide
Surf: General: If Lido Beach isn't the best beachbreak on the entire East Coast, it’s definitely top-three. With deeper water offshore, when conditions are right at Lido, it’s just peaks for days. Facing pretty much due-south, Lido loves S and SE swells, N winds, and mid-tides and is famous for vicious rips, brutal crowds, embarrassing denials and apex tube riding. The main peak at Lido maxes out at just under double-overhead, then it starts doubling up and washing through, but it still picks up more swell than Long Beach. Show up with four boards and you'll leave with four boards… broken.
Tides: Breaks on all tides, mid best for most swells
Size: Chest high-2X overhead
Wind: NNW to NNE
Swell: SE, ESE, E
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Usually breaks fairly close in so not a super far paddle.
Spot Rating: On the right day, this is one of the better spots on the East Coast.
Access: Large parking lot (fee to park in mid-June through early September)
Crowds: Crowd Factor: On good days, can be very crowded.
Local Vibe: Mellow if you show humility and respect, heavy if you don't.
Environment: Pretty clean overall.
Hazards: Shallow bottom, rip currents.
Season: September through March