Margate Pier surf guide
Surf: Good summer wave that gets hollow at low tide. Not too heavy. Handles swell but always has a strong drift.
Environment: Stay 300ft from pier. Less crowded and the northernmost free roadside parking on Abescon Island. Tags.
Surf: General: Margate is fun on a waist- to shoulder-high swell out of the east/northeast or southeast. The city allows surfing on both sides of the pier along with 3 other beaches that are surf beaches. The pier will hold any swell up to head high.
Tides: Mid-high generally best
Size: Chest high-well overhead
Wind: NW
Swell: ENE, SSE, SE
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Usually pretty mellow.
Spot Rating: On the right day, it can be fun but depends on the sandbar.
Access: Easy, but parking is limited.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Light to moderate.
Local Vibe: Mostly mellow.
Environment: Pretty clean overall.
Hazards: The pier, shallow bottom, rip currents.
Season: September through March