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Meñakoz surfspot characteristics

Swell Window
W | N
Optimal Swell Direction
Swell Size
6ft - 20ft
Breaks over
Wave type
Wave direction
Optimal Wind Direction
Best Tides at
mid | high

More about Meñakoz surfspot

World-class, highly dangerous big-wave spot. One of the most powerful regularly-surfed waves in Europe. Starts breaking properly at about 12 foot. Hazards include razor-sharp rocks, very strong rips, shifting peaks, two-wave hold-downs, broken boards and broken bones.

General: The term 'Hawaiian style wave' is an often bandied about phrase that usually has little real relation to the characteristics and character of the wave in question, but Menakoz does bear a lot of the hallmarks of a classic Hawaiian break: the power, the very real danger and the unpredictability. However, the relatively cold water, wetsuits and the jagged Basque coastline mean this is, at heart, a rampaging Spanish bull of a wave.</br></br>The wave rears up out of the deep and charges head down onto the reef, the right-hander roaring into the bay, the peak shifting with each set and the surfers following suit. The inside is peppered with rocks and the locals here have spent years learning the beast's nuances and moods. The lineup will be a who's who of Basque surfing history and here you'll see classic waves ridden in a classic style. They demand respect from newcomers. Ask them for advice and they will offer these words, "Don't expect to go out there and charge."</br></br>Just getting through the first session is a successful days work. While other Euro spots have come to XXL spotlight, Menakoz breathes a sigh of relief and continues the age-old dance of man taking on nature, not for the glory but for the sheer joy of taking part. Tides: Mid to high Size: Slightly overhead-4X overhead Wind: SE Swell: NW, N Bottom: Rock Paddling: Peaks that shift by the set, you'll be doing a lot of paddling. Spot Rating: Produces quality, solid waves that attract the best surfers in the region.




Crowd Factor: Specialist local crew Local Vibe: Inexperienced need not apply.

The locals won't tolerate people inexperienced in big waves. No tow-ins here either. Picturesque amphitheatre-like setting, ideal for watching the surf. Parking at top of hill. No facilities on the beach, but close to Sopelana where there are shops and a campsite.

Not bad, can get a bit dirty after a rain

Bouncing off the bottom.

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