Myrtle Beach surf guide
Surf: General: Most of Myrtle is like anywhere else in South Carolina -- one long stretch of beachbreak. 29th Avenue typically has better surf than most of Myrtle -- particularly on a S swell. There is also marginally better, though murkier, surf at the creek mouth.
Tides: mid to high
Size: waist-overhead high
Wind: W, NW
Swell: S, SE
Bottom: sand
Paddling: Hard NE and SW winds can produce strong currents, but generally pretty mellow.
Spot Rating: Fun scattered peaks, ideal for all types surfers most days.
Access: Lots of public access along most of the Myrtle Beach coast. Some restricted surfing areas during the summer.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: light, except alongside the piers and at 29th Avenue south
Local Vibe: Not much.
Environment: Some runoff pollution after heavy rains.
Hazards: Miscellaneous sea creatures in the water, and cranky fishermen near the piers.
Season: Late summer, early fall, early spring