Mysteries surf guide
Surf: General: Mysteries is the wave on the northern back beach of Anchor Point. A dirt area atop the cliffs offers camping and in peak winter holiday season can filled with more than fifty campervans with license plates from Poland to Portugal. Anchor Point is walking distance to the south, Killer's is walking distance and visible to the north.The wave itself is one of the few waves in the area that work on higher tides. A rock shelf reef that is exposed at the lowest tides, it offers a rippable fun right similar to Lower Trestles, and a left that can be decent and a nice change from all the right points you've been surfing. Keep an eye on it in the afternoons, as the crowd can ebb and flow and the tide changes can have it working at unexpected times, so be ready for the quick run out there.To reach it, head down the trails on the cliffs and time a jump off from the rocks, then paddle across the lineup and around the shoulder. The beginners like to surf it, but the more experienced can pick off the gems by marking your lineup and reading the shifts.
Tides: Low to medium
Size: Head high-overhead+
Wind: North or Northeast
Swell: NW, WNW, W
Bottom: Reef, reef/point
Paddling: Depends on the size of the surf.
Spot Rating: Can get good on the right swell.
Access: Easy. Look for the packs of campervans on the cliff.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Crowded.
Local Vibe: Annoying. Inexperienced surfers tend to get in the way.
Environment: Normal pollution for the area.
Hazards: Crowds.
Season: Fall into winter as the North Atlantic storm track gets active.