Nahant Beach surf guide
Surf: This curving stretch of beach only offers average beachbreaks that seem to be more popular with windsurfers than surfers. The south end offers some protection from southerly winds. If the swell gets giant from the NE, then Nahant Island will probably be hiding a few waves.
Access: Free in winter only
Environment: Consistent spot, all beach facilities, and easy parking. The crowds are usually holding on to something to stand up.
Surf: General: The bending expanse of Nahant is basically average beachbreak, through it does offer some protection from southerly winds. If there’s a big swell in the water, Nahant Island will likely be the best wave of the bunch. The most consistently surfed spot on NE swells, through, is on the north side of the harbor, which offers the most protection from S winds.
Tides: Backwash at dead high.
Size: Knee-high to overhead.
Wind: W
Swell: NE, E
Bottom: Sand and rock.
Paddling: Not nearly as bad as it is at more exposed spots.
Spot Rating: Massachusetts is a beachbreak goldmine if you know where you’re going. You could do a lot better than Nahant.
Access: Daily parking fees May-November, $10 state residents, $40 out-of-staters.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: The colder and glassier it is, the more mellow it will be. Kiteboarders and windsurfers abound.
Local Vibe: Normal deal, plus kiteboarding rules/etiquette.
Environment: Historically passed water quality tests at least 95% of the time.
Hazards: Sharks, hypothermia, rogue kiteboards.
Season: September-December