Naval Jetties surf guide
Surf: Long rights off the groin on its day. Has potential to get heavy, hollow, and fast without sectioning. Good spot in hurricane swells. Best on S swells and low tides. Holds a good size. Often a good place when Maryland is getting a bit out of control.
Watch out for submerged tree stumps. Not particularly consistent, and rarely crowded. No pollution.
Surf: General: Two miles east of Lewes and located within Cape Henlopen State Park, Naval Jetties is the closest thing you'll find to a pointbreak and also the nearest thing Delaware has to hills, as the sand dunes are the largest between Cape Hatteras and Cape Cod. The right breaks off a jetty on top of a sandbar held together by ancient cedar tree stumps. At low tide, it can be like surfing through a cemetery. The spot is fickle, but occasionally produces lengthy rights on the right swells. It's a one-spot takeoff, so two carloads make a crowd.
Tides: Low and incoming
Size: Chest high-overhead
Wind: Southwest or West
Swell: S, SE, NE
Bottom: Sand with many cedar stumps.
Paddling: Not bad but can be some work on certain swells.
Spot Rating: It takes the right swell but can be good on its day.
Access: Paid parking lot -- price varies for in-state and out of state.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Can be if it is working.
Local Vibe: Can get a little chippy on good days.
Environment: Not too bad.
Hazards: Since it's a favorite byway for dolphins just a few feet offshore, they may mistake your toes for blue fish.
Season: Storm dependent: tropical cyclones in the late summer and fall with frontal activity and nor'easters in the late fall and winter.