Nonura surf guide
Surf: Bayovar’s world-class spot, Nonura is only accessible by 4WD and camping is the only accommodation option. A long, tough paddle out against strong currents, leads to the classic tubular pointbreak lefts. Nonura will take any swell from the SW to the NW but it needs to be big enough as the wave only really reveals itself over 5ft (1.8m) and maxes out around 10-12ft (3-4m). This wave is to be taken seriously.
Environment: There have been claims that recent development of shellfish cultivation farms have robbed the point of its sand and now Nonura needs an even bigger swell to break. It can be sometimes crowded as more businesses try to monetise the set-up and bring in more surfers to this arid, lonely region. Everyone who gets it on agrees with 2 things; it's a hell of a wave and a hell of a current.