Ocean City Boardwalk surf guide
Surf: General: A very consistent, very legit, very popular Delmarva beachbreak assisted by some bathymetry-stroking jetties, 8th Street can offer the same heaving, dumping, spitting lefthand tube riding experience as other Ocean City spots on NE swells — along with the same maddening currents, paddle-out denials, and boardwalk peanut galleries. And it’s becoming an increasingly popular destination for surgical strikes during hurricane season. That’s because Ocean City in general boasts a rather wide swell window — accommodating everything from NE to straight S energy — and 8th Street in particular can handle a bit more N wind than some nearby spots. It usually prefers lower tides, depending on what the sand’s doing.
Tides: Low to mid tide
Size: Head high-overhead+
Wind: West
Swell: S, SE, NE
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Not bad but can be some work on bigger south swells.
Spot Rating: Shifty peaks -- when the sand is right it can get good.
Access: Easy in off-season, pay during summer.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Can be pretty tight, especially in the summer with the surfing beaches.
Local Vibe: Mellow.
Environment: Not too bad.
Hazards: Finding parking.
Season: Storm dependent: tropical cyclones in the late summer and fall with frontal activity and nor'easters in the late fall and winter.