Ocean Reef Park surf guide
Surf: Zippery lefts break off shoreline rock outcropping on small NE swells. Occasional rights amongst the lefts. Deep water offshore gives the waves more punch, but they’ll close out once it’s overhead.
Environment: An oasis of green among the condos make Ocean Reef Park an aesthetically pleasing location to surf. There are a few rocks in the line-up to avoid.
Surf: General: Ocean Reef is the only consistent surf spot on Singer Island. Short, fast lefts peel off two dead coral outcroppings. The point north of the Lifeguard Tower is more consistent, but the point south of the tower can have better form. Certain conditions create a few other peaks. The reefs work well on wind or groundswells and will often be the best spot around on true N swells. It won't hold much size, but in the waist to head-high range, it can be a blast. The lefts can get busy on N swells; however, nothing like Pump House and Reef Road. It blows out easily, so surf here early in the morning when a N swell is running. Windswell peaks break through the tides but have more juice toward the low tide.
Tides: Low
Size: Waist-overhead
Wind: WNW
Swell: NNE-NE
Bottom: Reef, sandy reef
Paddling: Not too tough a paddle for the most part.
Spot Rating: Like anywhere in South FL, can get good on the right swell but for the most part the surf is sub par.
Access: Easy.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Light to moderate when small. Not an issue when multiple peaks are working.
Local Vibe: None to speak of.
Environment: Nice and clean.
Hazards: Normal sea life - sharks, jellyfish, sea lice.
Season: Fall-Spring, Hurricane