P-Pass surf guide
Surf: Waves break out on the barrier reef or near a reef pass, so it’s boat access only and it’s always shallow on the inside. Up to 4ft (1.2m), the waves are user-friendly, but once the surf gets bigger, things get serious quickly. Late take-offs, fast down-the-line rides, and hollow barrels are what most surfed spots offer and the best of them is P-Pass (Palikir Pass). This wave has become the star of the Western Pacific by occasionally churning out impossibly perfect righthand pits, attracting pros and chargers to this remote island when the forecast looks right. It takes any swell from W-NE, with straight N being the best direction to avoid close-outs from the NW or missing the reef from the NE. P-Pass works with no winds or with light NE-E trades, which blow dead offshore as the swell lines wrap around the reef. These rights can be surfed at any tide, but it does get very shallow on a full low tide.
Environment: Intermediates will enjoy the fun, consistent, headhigh, high tide sessions while pros will tackle the scary, rare, double-overhead, super-sucky days. It's a 20min boat ride from Kolonia.