Pacific Beach surf guide
Surf: General: Pacific Beach/Crystal Pier almost always has something to ride but is rarely truly good. It tends to close out on any longer period swell that creates surf in the overhead range, especially as you move away from the more defined sand bars of the pier. However, on the occasion that a combo of swells from the northwest and southwest is greeted by easterly wind (generally in the fall) fun peaks can be found up and down the beach. The other time this zones comes closest to shining is during short period northwest swells that most frequently happen in the spring.
Tides: Medium to high.
Size: Waist high to a couple of feet overhead.
Wind: E, NE
Swell: W, NW, SW
Bottom: Mostly sand but gets rockier closer to Tourmaline
Paddling: Easy peasy most of the time.
Spot Rating: Perfect for longboard cruising.
Access: Easy, find paid parking
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Plenty of traffic.
Local Vibe: Mellow.
Environment: Typically ok but gets dicey after a rain.
Hazards: Attempting to rip mush on a shortboard, getting hit by a loose 12 foot board.
Season: November-February, but it works year-round.