Patoles surf guide
Surf: General: Located where the Pacific meets the Gulf of California, Patoles is formed by a 90-degree elbow in the coast that is angled perfectly to wrap S swell into long, zippy lefthanders. More often than not when there is S in the water, Patoles will be in the ridiculously fun range, though it can pump -- and include proper barrels -- on the biggest swells. Also of note is the current -- when it's bigger, there is a lot of water moving around the point, which means long paddles and much difficulty staying in position.
Tides: All tides
Size: Waist high to double overhead
Wind: E or SE, can handle S
Swell: SW, SSW, S
Bottom: Sand and rock
Paddling: Work when it's pumping.
Spot Rating: A perfect left on a solid South.
Access: Difficult during/after heavy rains.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: It's a well-known spot.
Local Vibe: Swell depending.
Environment: It is close to town.
Hazards: Shallow rocks at the top of the point.
Season: April-October