Pedra Branca surf guide
Surf: Sparring with the long rights of Coxos for the title of best wave in Ericeira, Pedra Branca is a very different kind of beast. This is a short, sharp and very sweet left reef that can get hideously hollow and is suicidal at low tide. It’s best on a SW swell with E winds and breaks up to double overhead.
Environment: When it’s good, which isn’t that often, it’s packed. Be aware of the carpet of spiky sea urchins. The main campground is across the road.
Surf: General: Pedra Branca, or White Rock, is not only one of the most famous breaks in the area, it is also the most prominent. Breaking out on the end of the headland opposite the campsite, it's highly visible and exposed to swell and wind. On smaller days there's a fun, if shallow lefthand wall that peels along this flat rock slab. However, when Autumn swells kick in, it can be transformed into a jacking, death or glory pit as waves lunge out of deep water onto the shallow ledge, with square barrels up to double overhead. Crowded with expert locals when it's firing. There is also a right that peels over sand and reef in the Praia de Pedra Branca bay just to the south - a long fun wall that caters for all abilities.
Tides: Can work through the tides when big but best mid to high.
Size: Shoulder high to double overhead.
Wind: E
Swell: NW, W
Bottom: Flat slab reef with sand and urchins.
Paddling: Easy paddle out once off the sharp, urchin infested rocks.
Spot Rating: Long, fast, hollow, barrels reel over a flat, shallow reef at this regional classic. Can be world class on its day.
Access: Visible from town, access via piste road opposite campsite. Parking by the break.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Small take off zone and crowd of hard charging locals make this a super competitive line-up.
Local Vibe: Competitive, best for advanced respectful surfers when firing.
Environment: OK
Hazards: Heavy waves, shallow ledge, urchins.
Season: Best September to May.