Pitas Point/Faria County Park surf guide
Surf: Long righthand cobblestone and rock point hosting several more or less distinct breaks. Requires big W swells and can be the best spot on the coast when itβs happening. Lots of room for everyone. Separate take-off areas range from Outsides (fast, hollow waves with power off the outer point) to Insides (slow, mushy longboard waves). A variety of mushy peaks inside the bay spread out into unbelievably slow-moving waves. There is also a left breaking north of Outsides. Sheltered from the prevailing NW wind. Handles any tide except extreme high.
Environment: A good alternative to Rincon although the reduction in crowds reflects a much lower consistency. Camping is available and parking is at Faria County Park.
Surf: General: On minus low tides and solid winter swells, the inside section at Pitas (line up in front of the spiral staircase) becomes the Santa Anita Raceway, with ledgy right walls galloping into sand-sucking caverns. There's probably only a 50 percent makability rate on the good days, but five and six-second tubes are not uncommon -- the true Rincon alternative. The awkward dance along the barnacle-encrusted cobblestones is worth the hassle when the Aleutian juice is on tap.
Tides: low
Size: head-high on up
Wind: N, NE
Swell: W, NW
Bottom: Cobblestone/sand
Paddling: Treadmill when it's pumping.
Spot Rating: Tubes when it is on.
Access: A pain, you have to walk below the high tide from either direction.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Moderate.
Local Vibe: Usually light, some vibe from local property owners.
Environment: Manageable but can be rough after a rain.
Hazards: A few rocks, the walk at high tide.
Season: October-February