Poverty Beach surf guide
Surf: General: Located in Cape May, Poverty Beach is a fickle strech of sand that can offer some really fun with the right wind, swell, and tide combination. The majority of swells are not super ideal for Poverty, but a big E or SE swell combined with N or NE winds can get this spot cooking. If you're looking to seek novelty spots, this could be an option. On most days there will be better spot options a short drive away.
Tides: Mid-high generally best
Size: Chest high-well overhead
Wind: NNW to N
Swell: ENE to SE
Bottom: Sand
Paddling: Doable, can be tough on big days.
Spot Rating: The right swell and tide combo usually works out.
Access: Easy, but toughest in the summer months.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Mostly light.
Local Vibe: Mellow to moderate.
Environment: Pretty clean overall.
Hazards: Rocks, submerged pilings.
Season: September through March