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Revolcadero surfspot characteristics

Swell Window
S | NW
Optimal Swell Direction
Swell Size
4ft - 12ft
Breaks over
unevenReef | sand
Wave type
Wave direction
Optimal Wind Direction
Best Tides at
low | mid | high

More about Revolcadero surfspot

At the northern end of Revolcadero beach is a big wave spot, rideable when the nearby beachbreaks of Punto Muerto and Playa Princess are closing out. Takes big S around to W and is a challenging ride for chargers only. The hotel strip on the beach can be fun on small S swell too.

General: With its meandering neighborhoods, thumping clubs and stunning beaches along the great Bahia de Puerto Marquez, Acapulco is one of Mexico's definitive tourist traps. But for the tourist who is also a surfer, there's Playa Revolcadero just around the bend.</br></br>An oftentimes peaky and muscular beachbreak, Revolcadero is a dime-a-dozen in Mexico's cache of sand-bottom gems, yet its close proximity to Acapulco proper makes it one of the more accessible and lively choices. Revolcadero is hardly a Pascuales or Puerto Escondido, but it does soak up plenty of south swell energy.</br></br>Tucked close to the feet of the headlands that make up Punta Diamente, you may find more favorable conditions though less size. Move south down the beach toward Barra Vieja and size will increase. While certainly not one of Mexico's best bets, Revolcadero is worth a peek when you're in Acapulco. Tides: All tides Size: Head high-2X overhead Wind: North, North-East Swell: South-East, South, South-West Bottom: Sand Paddling: Not too bad. Spot Rating: Fun.


Can be difficult due to the exclusive resorts stretching across the beach.


Crowd Factor: Not bad. Local Vibe: Mellow.

Playa Bonfil’s consistent beachbreak is directly in front of Acapulco Airport, plus Pie de la Cuesta is a sucky beach on S swells in front of the other airport north of town.

Minimal and nothing really to worry about.

Turning your back to the ocean.

Check surf reports near Revolcadero