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Ritoque surfspot characteristics

Swell Window
S | NW
Optimal Swell Direction
Swell Size
3ft - 6ft
Breaks over
Wave type
Wave direction
left | right
Optimal Wind Direction
Best Tides at
low | mid | high

More about Ritoque surfspot

Surfing started in Chile in the early '70s around Ritoque, which has powerful and super consistent beachbreaks that are clean on N winds. The north end has a defined left next to the paddling channel that flanks the headland and makes getting out the back a breeze. The walled rights off the peak lead into the rips and close-outs that characterise the centre and south end, where wave height usually increases. Looks inviting when smooth or groomed at lower tides and the lefts can be mellow and shouldery enough for beginners to get in on the action.

General: Ritoque is the birthplace of Chilean surfing. Back in the early '70s, professional divers Luis "Lucho" Tello and Isaac "Icha" Tapia started charging the frigid beachbreak peaks after discovering them during a harmless Sunday BBQ. A beautiful little south-facing sandy cove with a super easy paddling channel, the spot is very handy in wintertime when hoodless duck-diving isn't advisable.</br></br>The wave itself is nothing special. A soft left that meanders into the channel. It allows for a couple top turns and a closeout floater on the inside. The right off the other side can be pretty fun, though it's less powerful than it looks and can leave you caught inside for hours. It gets bigger as you head south down the beach, but as there aren't any channels and it is more exposed, surfers tend to stick to the known peak(s) at the north end of the beach.</br></br>While you wouldn't fly all the way to Chile to surf Ritoque, it's a pleasant place to spend an afternoon, especially as it's only a half hour or so from the cities of Vina del Mar and Valparaiso. Tides: Medium-low Size: Waist high-slightly overhead Wind: N Swell: SW Bottom: sand Paddling: Not bad. Spot Rating: An average beachbreak.

Beginner to advanced

Sandy lot right there

Southern Hemisphere winter, May-August

Crowd Factor: Summertime and weekends: yep; Weekdays: not so bad. Local Vibe: Can get a little testy when it's small and inconsistent

Very consistent and will have a crowd weekends in summer. Popular spot for dirt and quad bikes in the dunes behind the beach.

summer: 2; winter: 7

Crowded lineup in the summer and on weekends.

Check surf reports near Ritoque