Rocky Point surf guide
Surf: There may be some breathing room amongst the sand and reef peaks at Pupukea and Ehukai or the shallow spitting pits of Gas Chambers. The modest lava jut of Rocky Point is a swell magnet and a jam-packed theatre of progressive school surfing, logged by the ever-present surf photographers lining the beach. The rights reel off in N swells while the handful of speedy lefts prefer more W-NW. It's very consistent in all small to moderate swells and the curve of reef allows for some wind variation from NE-S depending on what section you are riding.
Environment: Access path from the giant wood statue on Kamehameha Hwy.
Surf: General: Rocky Point is a flat, curving reef that is about 250-yards wide and perhaps the most consistent wave on the North Shore, breaking up to double overhead-plus on nearly any winter swell direction. Rocky's somehow satisfies even its most frightening crowds with a range of waves -- from soft walls to clean barrels to crazy air sections.Rocky's is generally divided into two sections known as Rocky Rights and Rocky Lefts, but within those are several different takeoff points in different conditions. So, beginning from the west side, close to Pupukea, there's: 1. A series of peaks, mainly rights, in N-NW swells, which sometimes end in a closeout, but often hold up for nice walls and tubes; 2. A clearly defined right wall/left peak combination in W-NW swells, with the left sometimes peeling almost across the length of the reef; 3. A good-quality, walling left peak forming in W swells, outside the middle of the reef, which barrels or peels down toward the northern channel (this is the prime Rocky's wave); 4. A sharp, wedging left (and sometimes right) pitching off the northern fringe of the reef; 5. A sucky shorebreak/reform left farther inside, which is super fun for airs and small barrels.
Tides: Can handle all tides, but generally best between the peak low and peak high.
Size: Chest high-3 feet overhead
Wind: Calm or light E to S is best overall, but the typical ENE trades are OK too if not too strong.
Swell: WNW to N
Bottom: Reef
Paddling: Breaks close in and peaks to pick off across the entire zone. Most of the paddling is trying to jockey for position.
Spot Rating: One of the most ripable waves on the North Shore offering a bit of everything for high performance surfing.
Access: Easy: Drive about a half mile past Ehukai Beach Park on Kam Highway and pull of onto Ke Nui Road and park where authorized. Take public access streets/trails to the beach.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Usually heavy whenever its good, while smaller days can be hit or miss.
Local Vibe: Humility and respect a must..
Environment: Clean. Beautiful, clear, blue water.
Hazards: Mostly the reef. Rocky Rights has a dangerous rock that pops up on the inside. Getting in and out can be crazy during larger swells. Dodging surfers on the inside.
Season: Winter