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Safi surfspot characteristics

Swell Window
SW | N
Optimal Swell Direction
Swell Size
3ft - 10ft
Breaks over
unevenReef | sand
Wave type
Wave direction
Optimal Wind Direction
Best Tides at

More about Safi surfspot

Safi’s “Garden” remained semi-secret for a long time, with those in the know understandably protective of the long, ultra-fast, throaty barrels that fire down the point north of Safi. Unfortunately, it is very fickle, only breaking in big swells at low tide. There are more rights in the area under similar conditions.

General: Previously a semi-secret Moroccan gem, Safi has gotten a healthy dose of attention over the past few years as pros and barrel-hounds have chased and documented a handful of notable swells recently. One of the best barreling sand points in Morocco (if not the world), but also fickle/rare and extremely heavy. Tides: Low Size: Overhead to triple overhead. Wind: E Swell: W Bottom: Rocky, sandy point. Paddling: Heavy, slabby point with the expected currents. Spot Rating: About as good as a right-hand point gets, assuming you like below-sea-level barrels.


Go to the town of Safi and drive to the point.

Large industrial city

The wave rarely breaks, but when it does it's typically in winter.

Crowd Factor: Gets busy when it's on (which is only once or twice per year). Local Vibe: The local bodyboarders hold it down.

The Moroccan government opened the Surf Park Sidi Bouzide in 2005. Crowds are guaranteed but the localism has calmed down a bit. Safi’s big factories and port could affect the areas water quality.

Better than you'd think, considering it's right outside a town.

Rocks, neck-breaking slabs.

Check surf reports near Safi