Seaside Cove surf guide
Surf: Where the crescent of beach fronting Oregon's ultimate beach town turns rocky and bends westward towards the long, bouldered point, Seaside Cove behaves pretty much like a northside jetty wave. There are lefts off the head side at fuller tides, closing out at tides below 2ft (0.6m) with a permanent rip along the Cape transporting surfers relatively dry-haired out into the line-up, with waves breaking over the rip on a 10ft-plus (3m) swell. Sandbar peaks to the north open up into nice rights and lefts, especially on a NW swell.
Hollow and hefty when conditions are right. Mushy, sectiony longboard waves at higher tides. Good beginner/intermediate surf spot.
Environment: A much friendlier crowd than you’ll find out at The Point, and less shark danger too. Although surfable peaks continue north of here, except for the rocky margins of the Cove and Point, Seaside beaches have been closed to surfing since pioneer waverider Dana Williams showed up here in the 1960s with long hair and a surfboard.