Sidmouth surf guide
Surf: General: This stretch of shingle and sand needs a big southwesterly pushing up the channel to work, or an easterly windswell. There are a series of groynes and a couple of rock sea defences, so best best surfed at low tide. Fat, rolling, occasionally walling waves; brown with sediment.
Tides: Best at low.
Size: Thigh to head high.
Wind: N, NW.
Swell: SW
Bottom: Sand and pebbles.
Paddling: Hard work in anything but small waves.
Spot Rating: Low expectations yields most fun. Fat, rolling waves that will occasionally wall up into longer, steeper sections. Not a classic.
Access: A few Beachfront car parks to choose from.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Pretty quiet.
Local Vibe: Chilled.
Environment: Brown silty waves that can be polluted after heavy rains.
Hazards: Rips when bigger, groynes as tide pushes in.
Season: December - February as it needs a big swell to get going.