South Jetty surf guide
Surf: General: There's a small public parking area right after the Pawley's Island beach road cuts toward the beach. Waves break to the north and south of the jetty, and the spot can get pretty fun on an east-southeast hurricane swell.
Tides: Mid to high
Size: Waist-overhead high
Wind: W, NW
Swell: S, SE
Bottom: Sand.
Paddling: Hard NE and SW winds can produce strong currents, but generally pretty mellow.
Spot Rating: Scattered peaks, ideal for all types surfers most days. Can be better than surrounding beachbreaks.
Access: Lots of public access.
Crowds: Crowd Factor: Moderate on good days.
Local Vibe: Not bad but be polite.
Environment: Some runoff pollution after heavy rains.
Hazards: Miscellaneous sea creatures, rocks.
Season: Late summer, early fall, early spring.