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T-Street surfspot characteristics

Swell Window
S | SSW | SW | WSW | W | WNW
Optimal Swell Direction
Swell Size
3ft - 6ft
Breaks over
Sand | Rock
Wave type
beach | reef
Wave direction
right | left
Optimal Wind Direction
N | NNE | NE | ENE | E | ESE
Best Tides at
lowToMid | mid | midToHigh | high

More about T-Street surfspot

General: T Street is known for one thing -- consistency. The entire West Coast from Jordan River to Cabo could be flat, and T Street, the central hub for San Clemente's finest, would manage to cough up a wave or two that would make a surfer happy. There are a lot of things that help T Street break: sandbars, reefs, rocks and odd seaweed gardens all contribute to the wave's quirky behavior. It'll transform from San O' to mini-Backdoor in the time it takes to do a bottom turn. Although the T Street fanatics have many different names for every hole in the reef, the break is typically divided into three spots: the Reef, Cropley's and Beach House.</br></br>On a strong S swell, lefts hit the outside reef, break slowly, then peel over the inside rock shelf, bowling in a fast, down-the-line section. On winter swells, you get the opposite: long, workable rights off the reef ending in a collapsing shorebreak. Cropley's is strictly a winter break. Named after the owner of a tasty hamburger stand that no longer exists, Cropley's provides fast, zippy righthand peaks just north of the snack bar. Some swear it's T Street's best wave when it's on -- which isn't very often. It takes just the right swell direction from the NW. South of the overpass, there's a sandbar that old locals call the Beach House, named after a candy shack that once stood there. On medium-size swells, you can catch some wedgy lefts and rights that are often less crowded and more geared toward shortboards and bodyboards. T Street is a longtime haven for bodyboarders and San Clemente's top pros. Tides: Medium Low to High Size: chest-high to a couple feet overhead Wind: NE, E, ESE Swell: S, SW, W, WNW Bottom: Rock, reef, sand and cute garibaldi Paddling: Pretty mellow most days. Spot Rating: Quirky local classic.

Hero to zero

Off Trafalgar Street in downtown San Clemente. There's about a dozen or so free parking spots close to walkway, but once they're filled up, meter parking is your only choice.


Crowd Factor: Moderate. Local Vibe: Mostly friendly, but it can get competitive when it's on.

Typically ok but gets dicey after a rain.

Baby white sharks during grunion runs (one bit a girl in Aug 2004 at 204's).

Check surf reports near T-Street